6 Free Swimming Holes near Crescent City, California - Free Arenas
Crescent City, CA, USA
41.7557501, -124.2025913
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6 Free Swimming Holes near Crescent City, California

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Showing Swimming Holes within 50 miles Distance miles Go of Crescent City, CA, USA City, Zip, or Address Go

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Clear Creek

Happy Camp, California

38.9 miles E

Clear creek, as the name suggests, has some of the best swimming holes in the area. The water remains crystal clear and isn't too crowded in the summer months. There are two areas to go...


swim Swimming Hole

Indian Creek, South Fork

Happy Camp, California

40.5 miles E

A popular whitewater creek, Indian Creek also offers some excellent swimming holes. The water swirls in several spots creating a Jacuzzi-like experience. One of the popular swimming spots is right...


swim Swimming Hole

Happy Camp Area

Happy Camp, California

42.5 miles E

Swim near Happy Camp, California


swim Swimming Hole

The Eddy

Happy Camp, California

42.5 miles E

A popular swimming hole for families found along a tributary of the Klamath River. Tubing is also possible in this swimming area and makes a great spot to visit on a summer day. Happy Camp is a...


swim Swimming Hole

Illinois Hidden Access

Selma, Oregon

42.9 miles NE

Swimming place at foot of 30 foot falls popular with Rogue River runners and Rogue River Trail Hikers. This is usually visited as part of a longer hiking or river trip, but can be accessed by an 9...

Camp, Hike, Mountain Bike, Swim

swim Swimming Hole

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

hike Hiking Trail

camp Campsite

Elk Creek Holes

Happy Camp, California

43.6 miles E

These swimming holes are found along the Elk Creek. If willing to hike around and explore, there are several different spots that visitors can stop and take a swim. 


swim Swimming Hole

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