40 Things to do near Spring Creek - Free Arenas
Spring Creek
43.84156, -114.6271
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40 Things to do near Spring Creek

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Showing results within 50 miles Distance miles Go of Spring Creek Rd, Ketchum, ID 83340, USA City, Zip, or Address Go

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Galena Lodge

Ketchum, Idaho

2.5 miles NW

Galena Lodge is a community owned seasonal day lodge nestled in the Rocky Mountains, 23 miles north of the Sun Valley Resort and Ketchum, Idaho. The historic Galena Lodge is open in both summer and...

Camp, Cross-country Ski, Snowshoe

camp Campsite

cross-country ski Cross Country Ski Trail

snowshoe Snowshoe Trail

Galena Lodge Trail System

Ketchum, Idaho

2.6 miles NW

Complex trail system with numerous interconnected trails. This trail system is the home of the classic Galena Grinder cross country race.

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

East Fork Baker Creek Road

Ketchum, Idaho

7.5 miles SE

A dead end dirt road that climbs high into the mountains and accesses numerous singletrack trails.

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Frenchman Creek

Ketchum, Idaho

8.5 miles W

This ride is on a primitive road through a wild mountainous very scenic canyon. It is an out and back ride and is good for a few hours ride on your way to or from Stanley to Ketchum....

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Oregon Gulch / Trail #183

Ketchum, Idaho

8.8 miles SE

This scenic trail crosses over a river and through several groves of trees whth the Boulder Mountains towering in the distance. The trail is found off of Highway 75 near the Harriman Trail. When...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Germania Creek - Chamberlain Creek Loop

Stanley, Idaho

9.7 miles N

Spectacular and remote loop in the Chamberlain Basin and Germania Creek area. Great views of Chamberlain Basin. All singletrack that in some cases is shared with motos. From the...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Fox Peak / Trail #938

Ketchum, Idaho

10.2 miles SE

This trail is a connector trail for Osberg Ridgeline trail and East Fork rd #168. Many riders enjoy this route as a good point-to-point trail in the Idaho area, and love the scenery along the way....

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Osberg's Ridgeline Trail

Ketchum, Idaho

10.5 miles S

Begin this amazing alpine trail by shuttling a vehicle or catching a ride to the end of Baker Creek Road FS162. Climb up from the trailhead for a couple miles as the trail heads up Lost Shirt...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Saddle / Trail #326

Ketchum, Idaho

11.3 miles SE

This trail is found in the Sawtooth National Forest and makes a great intermediate trail. The trail is pretty smooth and so riders can pick up some good speed as they navigate through aspen and...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Chocolate Gulch / Trail #312

Ketchum, Idaho

12.7 miles SE

The Chocolate Gulch trail is a fun trail that can be connected with other trails in the area if riders want a longer route. During the spring and summer this trail is a very scenic route to take....

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Greenhorn Gulch

Ketchum, Idaho

14.0 miles S

Great trail in a network of multiuse trails. Good flow downhill, and moderate climbing going up. A grind up to Imperial Gulch intersection. Scenic.

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Fourth Of July Lake / Ants Basin / Robinson Bar

Stanley, Idaho

14.1 miles N

This is an epic ride in the Boulder-White Clouds that connects Fourth of July Lakes, into Ants Basin, down Warm Springs Creek Trail, through Warm Springs Meadow, and out Warm Springs...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Fisher Creek Loop

Stanley, Idaho

14.2 miles N

XCOn a lucky day I caught the trail empty, however often there are several 12-30 vehicles parked at the trailhead. Ride counter-clockwise, starting with Fisher Creek Road. It begins...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Adams Gulch Loop

Ketchum, Idaho

15.2 miles SE

Popular trail close to town with singletrack loop with a road that splits it down the middle for those looking for an easier route. Many junctions to other area trails. Dogs can be...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

3.4 mi

Skillern Hot Springs

Fairfield, Idaho

16.3 miles SW

Skillern hot spring is located in Fairfield, Idaho. It is a stunning six mile hike. The trail to Skillern hot spring follows the beautiful Big Smoky Creek, which gives life to the forest. Big Smoky...

Camp, Hike, Hot Springs

hike Hiking Trail

camp Campsite

hot springs Hot Spring

White Clouds Trails

Sun Valley, Idaho

16.9 miles SE

These trails are an excellent option for beginning to intermediate mountain bikers, families with small children or anyone who wants to enjoy mountain biking on the trails without the...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Bald Mountain Bike Park

Ketchum, Idaho

17.5 miles SE

No visit to Sun Valley is complete without a trip to Bald Mountain. The world famous mountain is now open to sightseers and adventurers all summer long.Lift ticket price provides a 3000...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Fox Creek Loop

Ketchum, Idaho

17.5 miles SE

The trail is mostly singletrack, some rocky sections, uphills, and fun downhill. Be careful when descending after the two switchback turns going up from the bottom, it is a fast and...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

River Run

Ketchum, Idaho

17.7 miles SE

This trail has plenty of switchbacks and connects to several trails in the Bald Mountain area including Bald Mountain Trail and Warm Spring Trail. The River Run trail is a great descending trail,...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

Pigtail Trail

Stanley, Idaho

17.7 miles N

Pigtail Trail is the first portion of the singletrack part of the Fisher Creek Loop. It's a great little descent down to the junction with Williams Creek, with some excellent...

Mountain Bike

mountain bike Mountain Bike Trail

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